Montag, 10. November 2014

On the way to Adams Peak

We left Kandy direction south with Adams Peak as the target for today. Shortly after we've stopped to fill up the tanks we misunderstood each oder and got separated in two groups. Miguel and I took our way to the Ramboda falls, the hills on the way there are covered with the tea plantations and water falls everywhere.
Ramboda Falls
 Our next stop was at the Mackwoods Tea Factory for a visit and a tee.
Brocken Orange Peak
We continued on the way to Adams Peak where we saw this almost abandoned temple, at least it was not in good shape like the others we saw before.

 Our journey continued without a sign of our companions, we saw a sign pointing the Adams Peak in 27km but then we drove for hours on a beautiful road between tee plantations, stopped a couple of times to ask directions but nobody spoke English or even understood the words "Adams Peak", with one hour daylight remaining we picked up the phone and got finally a waypoint from the other guys, Adams Peak was 70kms away, too far to reach within an hour so we decided to change direction head to coast and look for a place to stay on the way there before it got night.

We found this hotel on the road side.

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